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Katerina Mania

45. Memory for objects in virtual environments

Publication Authors: Troscianko Τ., Mourkoussis Ν., Rivera F., Mania K., Dixon T., Hawkes R.
Publication Info: 6th Annual Meeting Vision Sciences Society (VSS 2007), Sarasota, Florida, 225-225, 11-16 May 2007
Publication Type: Conference Publications


44. Technological research challenges of flight simulation and flight instructor assessments of perceived fidelity

Publication Authors: Robinson A., Mania K., Perey P.
Publication Info: Simulation and Gaming journal, SAGE Publications, 38(1), 112-135 2007
Publication Type: Journal Publications

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43. Memory for objects in virtual environments

Publication Authors: Troscianko Τ., Mourkoussis Ν., Rivera F., Mania K., Dixon T., Hawkes R.
Publication Info: Journal of Vision, Volume 7, Number 9, Page 763a, ISSN 1534-7362 2007
Publication Type: Journal Publications


42. The EPOCH Multimodal Interface for Interacting with Digital Heritage Artefacts

Publication Authors: Petridis P., Mania K., Pletinckx D., White M.
Publication Info: Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, 408-417, ISSN: 0302-9743 2007
Publication Type: Journal Publications


41. Influencing factors on the visualisation of archaeological uncertainty

Publication Authors: Sifniotis M., White M., Watten P., Mania K.
Publication Info: In proc. of The 8th International Symposium on Virtual Reality, Archaeology and Cultural Heritage, Brighton, UK, sponsored by Eurographics 2007
Publication Type: Workshop Proceedings


40. Action-based Slant Perception in Real and Virtual Environments

Publication Authors: Mourkoussis Ν., Rivera F., Troscianko Τ., Mania K., Hawkes R.
Publication Info: Poster at ACM Siggraph Symposium on Applied Perception in Graphics and Visualization 2007
Publication Type: Workshop Proceedings

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39. The EPOCH Multimodal Interface for Interacting with Digital Heritage Artefacts

Publication Authors: Petridis P., Pletinckx D., Mania K., White M.
Publication Info: Proc. of 12th International conference on Virtual Systems and Multimedia (VSMM),408-417, China, Oct. 2006
Publication Type: Conference Publications


38. Visualising Uncertainty in Archaeological Reconstructions: a Possibilistic Approach

Publication Authors: Sifniotis M., Jackson Β., White M., Mania K., Watten P.
Publication Info: Technical Sketch at ACM Siggraph, Boston USA 2006
Publication Type: Conference Publications

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37. An analysis of the effect of technological fidelity on perceptual fidelity

Publication Authors: Mourkoussis Ν., Mania K., Petridis P., White M., Rivera F., Pletinckx D., Troscianko Τ., Hawkes R.
Publication Info: In Proceedings of the IEA 2006 (International Ergonomics Association), 16th World Congress on Ergonomics, 6055-6060, ISSN 0003-6870, The Hague, Netherlands, July 2006
Publication Type: Conference Publications


36. Friction and Slant Perception in Real and Virtual Environments

Publication Authors: Mourkoussis Ν., Mania K., Troscianko Τ., Rivera F., Hawkes R.
Publication Info: Poster at 33rd International Conference on Graphics and Interactive Techniques, (ACM Siggraph), Boston, USA, 30 July-03 August 2006
Publication Type: Conference Publications


35. The Effect of Visual and Interaction Fidelity on Spatial Cognition in Immersive Virtual Environments

Publication Authors: Mania K., Wooldridge D., Coxon M., Robinson A.
Publication Info: IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics journal, 12(3): 396-404 2006
Publication Type: Journal Publications

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34. Perception and Fidelity

Publication Authors: Mania K.
Publication Info: In Proc. 2nd International workshop on VR/VE and Industry: Challenges and Opportunities organized by the EU NoE INTUITION, Paris, France 2006
Publication Type: Workshop Proceedings


33. Presenting Uncertainty in Archaeological Reconstructions using Possibility Theory and Information Visualisation Schemes

Publication Authors: Sifniotis M., Jackson Β., White M., Mania K., Watten P.
Publication Info: Proc. of 4th Eurographics Workshop on Graphics and Cultural Heritage, Cyprus, Oct. 2006
Publication Type: Workshop Proceedings


32. Usability Evaluation of the EPOCH Multimodal User Interface: Designing 3D Tangible Interactions

Publication Authors: Petridis P., Mania K., Pletinckx D., White M.
Publication Info: Proc. of ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology (VRST),116-122, Cyprus, November 2006
Publication Type: Workshop Proceedings

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31. Human-Centred Fidelity Metrics for Virtual Environment Simulations

Publication Authors: Mania K.
Publication Info: Full-day tutorial at IEEE Virtual Reality 2005, Bonn, Germany along with Adelstein, B, Bulthoff, H., Cunningham, D., Mourkoussis, N., Swan, E., Thalmann, N., and Troscianko, T. 2005
Publication Type: Conference Publications

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30. Assessing functional realism

Publication Authors: Mourkoussis Ν., Mania K., Troscianko Τ., Hawkes R.
Publication Info: Poster, ACM Siggraph, Los Angeles, USA. 2005
Publication Type: Conference Publications


29. The Effects of Binocular Stereo Display on Spatial Memory Schema Activation within Immersive Virtual Environments

Publication Authors: Mania K., Bennett Α.
Publication Info: Poster, ACM Siggraph, Los Angeles, USA. 2005
Publication Type: Conference Publications


28. An Experimental Exploration of the relationship between Subjective Impressions of Illumination and Physical Fidelity

Publication Authors: Mania K., Robinson A.
Publication Info: Computers and Graphics 29(1), 49-56, Elsevier Science 2005
Publication Type: Journal Publications

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27. The effect of visual fidelity on transfer of training and awareness states

Publication Authors: Badariah S., Mania K.
Publication Info: Poster at 2nd symposium on Applied Perception in Graphics and Visualization, Spain (sponsored by ACM Siggraph), ACM Siggraph Press 2005
Publication Type: Workshop Proceedings

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26. The Effect of Memory Schemas on Object Recognition in Virtual Environments

Publication Authors: Mania K., Robinson A., Brandt Κ.
Publication Info: Presence Teleoperators and Virtual Environments, MIT Press 2005
Publication Type: Αrticles

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