LOGOS: Knowledge-on-Demand for Ubiquitous Learning
Contract Information
Programme: SIXTH FRAMEWORK PROGRAMME Programme Acronym: IST Contract Type: SPECIFIC TARGETED RESEARCH PROJECT Start Date: 2006-02-01 End Date: 2009-01-31 Contract No: 027451 Role for TUC/MUSIC: Contractor Funding for TUC/MUSIC: 293000.0 Euros Principal Investigator for TUC/MUSIC: Stavros Christodoulakis
Project Information
Project Web Site
Project Description
The project contributes to the openness for ubiquitous learning of the existing large-scale repositories of digitised information and to the process of its transformation into learning content, adequately enhancing and facilitating the knowledge building. The project addresses innovative development of the learning processes components - resources, services, communication spaces. The project will focus on the learning communication spaces by integrating web-, digital television and mobile technologies to support cross-media learning content. New knowledge-on-demand services of e-Learning management systems based on this integration will improve and extend the learning services within new consistent pedagogical scenarios. The primary target group of the projects are the eLearning actors (authors of courses, lecturers, advanced learners, learning content providers) creating courseware materials for university students and/or for adult learners in non-formal and informal education. The secondary target group consists of eLearning providers (companies and training institutions) and technology providers (DTV-companies, mobile operators), interested of cross-media delivery of learning materials
The access to annotated and adequately structured knowledge from digital archives by means of the project authoring studio will enable lecturers/authors to participate in 'open source' dynamic content development from massive, dynamically growing learning resources. The project is aiming at development of the following outputs:
- A set of of learning scenarios for ubiquitous learning in different learning contexts, modelling learning process and learning materials by considering different ways and phases of cross-media authoring, access, delivery, study and assessments through different modes and levels of integrated web-based, DVB and mobile technologies. They will specify requirements for the learning platform from the learner perspective of ubiquitous learning processes in different settings (home, classroom, work and on-the-move learning).
- An environment for transforming digitised knowledge from existing digital archives in courseware objects with emphasis on semantic annotation and access. The environment will integrate tools for pre-processing of digital objects (format transformation, segmentation, indexing, annotation, semantic description etc.) and authoring studio for building-up courseware objects for cross-media delivery on the base of learning designs, implementing the developed scenarios.
- Knowledge-on-demand ubiquitous learning platform, integrating learning resources, generated by means of the authoring studio and combining platform communication spaces through knowledge-on-demand learning services. The platform communication spaces integrate IP-based, DVB and mobile technologies.
- Platform validation by extended experimentation of its functionality and usability by end-users - authors/lecturers and learners in multiple national contexts. The experimentation will be based on specific validation methodology, designed during internal assessment and considering the possible constraints of the media, the delivery environment of the experiments and the foreseen ways for personalisation, according to media and context-oriented needs and to the learning styles/teaching styles of the students/content authors’ preferences. The project addresses the integration of ICT research and development activities to meet the challenges of Europe enlargement by design and development of ubiquitous platform, providing highly customisable knowledge-on-demand learning services for the broad public in ubiquitous manner.
Project Publications
(9) A Framework and an Architecture for Supporting eLearning Applications on top of Multimedia Digital Libraries
Publication Authors: Arapi P., Christodoulakis S.
Publication Info: M.Eng. Thesis, Technical University of Crete 2011
Publication Type: M.Sc. Theses(8) Design, Implementation and Experimental Evaluation of a Pedagogy-Driven Framework to Support Personalized Learning Experiences
Publication Authors: Arapi P., Moumoutzis N., Mylonakis M., Stylianakis G., Theodorakis G., Christodoulakis S.
Publication Info: In the Proceedings of the 2nd LOGOS Open Workshop on Cross-Media and Personalized Learning Applications with Intelligent Content (LAIC 2008) in conj. with AIMSA2008 Conference, Varna, Bulgaria, September 2008
Publication Type: Workshop Proceedings(7) A Pedagogy-driven Personalization Framework to Support Automatic Construction of Adaptive Learning Experiences
Publication Authors: Arapi P., Moumoutzis N., Mylonakis M., Theodorakis G., Christodoulakis S.
Publication Info: In the Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Web-based Learning (ICWL 2007), Edinburgh, United Kingdom, August 2007
Publication Type: Conference Publications(6) Supporting Personalized Learning Experiences within the LOGOS Cross-Media Learning Platform
Publication Authors: Arapi P., Moumoutzis N., Mylonakis M., Theodorakis G., Stylianakis G.
Publication Info: In the Proceedings of the Workshop on Cross-Media and Personalized Learning Applications on top of Digital Libraries (LADL2007) in conj. with ECDL2007 Conference, Budapest, Hungary, September 2007
Publication Type: Workshop Proceedings(5) A Framework and an Architecture for Supporting Interoperability between Digital Libraries and eLearning Applications (1)
Publication Authors: Arapi P., Moumoutzis N., Mylonakis M., Christodoulakis S.
Publication Info: In the Proceedings of the DELOS Conference on Digital Libraries, Tirrenia, Pisa, Italy, February 2007
Publication Type: Conference Publications(4) A Framework and an Architecture for Supporting Interoperability between Digital Libraries and eLearning Applications
Publication Authors: Arapi P., Moumoutzis N., Mylonakis M., Christodoulakis S.
Publication Info: Book chapter in Digital Libraries: Research and Development, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer Berlin/Heidelberg, Volume 4877/2007, pp. 137-146 2007
Publication Type: Book Chapters(3) A Pedagogy-driven Personalization Framework to Support Adaptive Learning Experiences
Publication Authors: Arapi P., Moumoutzis N., Mylonakis M., Christodoulakis S.
Publication Info: In the Proceedings of the 7th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT 2007), Niigata, Japan, July 2007
Publication Type: Conference Publications(2) ASIDE: An Architecture for Supporting Interoperability between Digital Libraries and ELearning Applications
Publication Authors: Arapi P., Moumoutzis N., Christodoulakis S.
Publication Info: In the Proceedings of the 6th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT 2006), Kerkrade, The Netherlands, July 2006
Publication Type: Conference Publications(1) Interoperability of eLearning Applications with Digital Libraries
Publication Authors: Christodoulakis S., Arapi P., Moumoutzis N., Mylonakis M., Patel M., Kapidakis S., Papatheodorou C., Arahova A., Vagiati B., Konsolaki H.
Publication Info: Poster on the 10th European Conference on Research and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries (ECDL 2006), DELOS Research Activities 2006, C. Thanos (Eds.), DELOS Network of Excellence: pp. 83-85, Alicante, Spain, September 2006
Publication Type: Conference Publications
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